Mental Health and human rights: international instruments for safeguarding the rights of persons with disabilities and/or mental disorders


  • Mariluci Candido
  • Carla Ventura
  • Antonia Regina Furegato
  • Jair Santos
  • Marco Antonio Candido



human rights, mentally sick people, deficiency, legislation, mental health


There is a global human rights emergency in mental health, as people with mental disorders and/or disabilities still experience human rights violations. This study aimed to understand, at the international level, the approach given to the human rights of the person with mental disorder and / or disability. Descriptive documentary research using the World Health Organization's online database "More Inclusiveness Needed in Disability and Development". Mandatory and non-mandatory global and regional instruments, excluding countries, were included. The contents were examined according to the dimensions of human rights and it was identified that the main rights are found in the first and second generation of human rights. It was found that human rights are centered on the right to health, not favoring the full exercise of rights. The contribution of mental disorder legislation needs to be equated with that of disability. Its insufficiency probably reflects the lack of understanding and political will on its reality. There is a need for health professionals and legal practitioners to be able to disseminate knowledge about the human rights of persons with disabilities and/or mental disorders.


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How to Cite

Candido, M., Ventura, C., Furegato, A. R., Santos, J., & Candido, M. A. (2020). Mental Health and human rights: international instruments for safeguarding the rights of persons with disabilities and/or mental disorders. Revista Direito, Estado E Sociedade, (56).



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