Community Mediation: A Contribution on the path to the Sustainable Development Goals in the State of Ceará


  • Gabriela Vasconcelos Lima Universidade de Fortaleza
  • Lilia Maia de Morais Sales Universidade de Fortaleza



Community Mediation, Alternative Dispute Resolution, United Nations, Sustainable Development Goals, Public Policies


The way States build relationships amongst them has been transformed by globalization. The adoption of a more collaborative pos-ture was necessary in order to evolve in social, economic and cultural aspects. Considering that, the UN proposed the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which aim to alleviate poverty through a series of action. Through research it was noticed that Community Mediation could play an important role on the achievement of these Goals. Therefore, this article aims verifying in what level and how actions of Community Mediation can contribute on the search for SDGs. More specifically, it aimed to unders-tand the SDGs, its origins and motivation; studying actions of Community Mediation, in order to understand how they fit on the society; at last, mapping the role of Community Mediation on the path to achieve SDGs. The article besides of explaining actions of Community Mediation and ex-plored Ceará's experience, also establishes the correlation between SDGs and Community Mediation in two levels: as a procedure and as a public policy implemented by the State. We could conclude, then, that Community Mediation shows strong potential to be a vector of cultural shift and social empowerment for those who seek consensual conflict resolution. Its adoption represents an evolution towards the SDGs chosen and wanted by so many countries, in order to transform the reality we live in into a reality where there's university respect to human rights, to dignity and to equality.


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How to Cite

Lima, G. V., & Sales, L. M. de M. (2019). Community Mediation: A Contribution on the path to the Sustainable Development Goals in the State of Ceará. Revista Direito, Estado E Sociedade, (54).



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