The precarious and circumstancial legal status of the state as the foremost subject of the international normative order


  • Pedro Ivo Ribeiro Diniz Universidade Federal de Lavras - UFLA
  • Leonardo Nemer Caldeira Brant Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - UFMG



international law, state, sovereignty


The State is a cardinal and structural element of international law. The international normative order derives, fundamentally, from inter-state dynamics. At the same time, international law carries the pretension of defining its legal status. There are countless criticisms and divergences, however, when concrete efforts are directed toward determining parameters for the characterization of the State status and what are the objective legal ramifications of that condition. The analysis of the theme under the prism of International Law - through vague (and often conflicting) theoretical propositions; the superficial manifestations of jurisprudence; the scarcity and ineffectiveness of normative instruments; and the contingent political constructions - corroborates the argument that statehood still appears as a general legal status whose determination is less technical-legal than circumstantial.

Author Biographies

Pedro Ivo Ribeiro Diniz, Universidade Federal de Lavras - UFLA

Departamento de Direito; Direito Internacional e Direitos Humanos.

Leonardo Nemer Caldeira Brant, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - UFMG

Departamento de Direito Público; Direito Internacional.


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How to Cite

Diniz, P. I. R., & Brant, L. N. C. (2020). The precarious and circumstancial legal status of the state as the foremost subject of the international normative order. Revista Direito, Estado E Sociedade, (56).



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