The performance of São Paulo magistrates towards the hearing of intrafamily sexual violence children victims
justice systems, intrafamily sexual violence, judgesAbstract
This research aimed to analyze the judge's perception of law regarding the hearing of the child victim of intrafamily sexual violence, based on the ecological context of human development. This study had a qualitative approach, conducted with 12 judges from two counties of the Court of Justice of the State of São Paulo, Brazil. For data collection, semistructured interviews and free observation were carried out. Data analysis was performed through content analysis. The empirical category "Lack of preparation" emerged, showing a legal model punctuated by statability (centralization of power at the state level) and formal rationality, with thinking that abandons material justification and it is guided by formal considerations. The subcategory "Support for judges" shows the need for a new regulation of the theme, which brings a spectrum of knowledge regarding the interdisciplinary competences in the training of judges, requiring advances to the relevant legislative diplomas. The contents highlighted specific urgencies in legal education in Brazil in the face of changes in the current socio-political cultural context. It is evident that magistrates need technical training to deal with the phenomena discussed here.References
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