The neoconstitutionalist-pragmatist concept of Law





legal pragmatism, conceptualism, essentialism, neo-constitutionalism.


This article aims to examine two different meanings on the concept of Law, through a pragmatic approach: that of the traditional, essentialist doctrine, as well as the one from the conventionalist thesis. Legal pragmatism may refer to a great number of objectives, among them, the elaboration of a theory on the concept of Law. In this work it is stated that the so-called conceptual legal pragmatism corresponds to the search for a concept of Law that denies the existence of a metaphysical truth and that is developed as a doctrine related to conventions. After analyzing the characteristics of conceptual pragmatism, it is argued that neo-constitutionalism (especially that of particular scope) assumes a pragmatic position, choosing to propose questions such as those that discuss how different legal systems work and how we argue them, instead of asking itself "what is law?", a question loaded with a radical essentialism. The neo-constitutionalist shift from the theory of the legal system to the theory of legal argumentation as the fundamental framework of the theory of law represents a way to reject essentialism, which is in accordance with the pragmatist proposal.

Author Biography


Mestre em direito público pela UERJ

Doutora em Direito pela Universidad de Castilla La Mancha (departamento de filosofia do direito)



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How to Cite

Rapozo, J. (2020). The neoconstitutionalist-pragmatist concept of Law. Revista Direito, Estado E Sociedade, (56).



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