Constitution, citizenship and labour: premisses for recognition of a state rationality guided at solidarity
constitution, rationality, solidarity, job, state democratic solidarity of law.Abstract
The Brazilian Constitution of 1988 is an inexhaustible source of social values that determine the conduct of social and institutional structures, especially guided in ethics that is guided by citizenship. Recognition of this rationality determines the appreciation of the normative element as wire conductor of the social processes of realization of fundamental rights and the effective promotion of solidarity, citizenship and development. To that extent, the axiological proposal defined in the Constitution, determined by the objectives of the Republic, puts solidarity as legal and social bond capable of guiding the normative basis for public actions, leading to the reception and the positivization measures that promote normative revitalization constitutional materiality. The expansion of the solidarity of the vertex then shapes the social subject as a key vector of development, which can only be expressed by labor and their respective social value, which guides and determines the establishment of a true democratic state Solidarity Law, which aims effectiveness.References
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