The judge's recruitment in the brazilian judiciary and the inclusion of the disabled person: a reflection in the light of the theory of justice
judges recruitment, judiciary, reservation of vacancies, candidates with disabilities, theory of justiceAbstract
This paper aims to study the affirmative actions of reservation of vacancies in judge's recruitment from the theory of justice, analyzing their compliance with the principle of equal opportunities that should characterize the contemporary democratic societies. Examination of the theoretical framework offered by John Rawls, Ronald Dworkin and Amartya Sen concluded that the rules of the National Council of Justice to deal with the reservation of vacancies for the disabled people are in line with the principles of correction of material justice, for ensuring fair opportunity to this social group due to his inability to develop on equal, in the context of the, reasonable life projects. The investigation also concluded that despite the settlement of those affirmative actions, some issues are still open, such as institutional parameters relating to career development, even for being such recent reverse discrimination policies in the judiciary's composition.
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