Political Considerations on the Legal Prohibition of the Provisional Freedom Benefit: Tensions and Consensus in the Trial of Habeas Corpus 104.339 and the Context of the Law 12.403/2011
Prohibition of the granting of the provisional freedom benefit, Precautionary measures of penal nature, Democratic control, Constitutional control, Political institutions.Abstract
Between 1990 and 2006, the Congress approved five Federal Laws providing for the prohibition of the granting of the provisional freedom benefit to people accused of committing several criminal offenses. Since the effective date, each of these legal provisions found resistance in the judiciary. In 2011, a new regulation for criminal precautionary mea-sures was introduced, bringing innovations in this area. The central object of this research is the judgment that happened in May 10, 2012, in the Plenum of the Federal Supreme Court, of habeas corpus no. 104,339, on the constitutionality of a provision on the provisional freedom benefit of the new "Drug Law". Since this is the most recent paradigmatic deci-sion on this issue, having occurred after the procedural reform in the Law 12.403/2011 and the large number of persons deprived of liberty accused of such crimes, the study of this judgment gains special relevance. After the historical reconstitution of the controversy and the consideration of the legal contents involved, it focuses on the political dimension of the Court's decision, in order to offer an expanded institutional perspective for understanding the issue.References
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