Autonomisation of the judicial field and redefinition of local judicial elites
field, judiciary power, autonomisation, institutionalisationAbstract
What the present study sought to identify was the type of process of transformation of the political field of the Brazilian judicial administration and its effects from the institutionalization of the 1988 and EC n. 45/2004 that produced selective incentives for the formation of a new political field of judicial administration in Brazil. The investigation has shown: 1.Significant degree of autonomy of the Brazilian judicial system in relation to other representative-democratic institutions; 2. The judicial system bureaucratic autonomization and the new articulation of this field with state executives; 3. This process of autonomy was based on an authoritarian history of professionalization in the field that legitimizes bureaucratic autonomization and expresses itself in a new type of judicial elite within the field of political administration in the judicial courts; 4. The emergence of a new judicial elite that represents itself as the bearer of modernization and professionalization in the judicial field and incorporates the habitus of this selfrepresentation and 5. The new articulation of the local Executive and Judiciary that establishes different modes of articulation in order to guarantee the autonomization of this judicial elite in relation to the other participants in the political-bureaucratic field.
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