What does it mean that human rights derive from human dignity? Employing contemporary analytic metaphysics relations


  • Szymon Mazurkiewicz




human rights, human dignity, contemporary analytic metaphysics


I analyse the claim that human rights derive from human dignity. I propose to employ tools of the contemporary analytic metaphysics, precisely, the relations holding between different objects: reduction, supervenience and metaphysical grounding. I argue that human rights are grounded in human dignity. I also analyse what is the foundation of human dignity and propose the naturalised notion of this problem: the foundation of human dignity is constituted by human nature discovered by evolutionary psychology. Evolutionarily understood human nature can be regarded as good, and hence, can be the foundation of human dignity. I claim that the relation between human dignity and human nature is metaphysical grounding.


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How to Cite

Mazurkiewicz, S. (2020). What does it mean that human rights derive from human dignity? Employing contemporary analytic metaphysics relations. Revista Direito, Estado E Sociedade, (56). https://doi.org/10.17808/des.56.1546



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