Gender Troubles in Brazilian judicial decisions: (Un)doing the Maria Resumos/Abstracts 392 Direito, Estado e Sociedade n. 55 jul/dez 2019 da Penha Law


  • Marcia Nina Bernardes PUC-Rio
  • Mariana Imbelloni Braga Albuquerque



sex/gender, patriarchy, domestic violence


This article intends to investigate, from an epistemological viewpoint, judicial controversies around Law 11340/06. The work of Judith Butler will be referential. After reviewing decisions by the Rio de Janeiro State Justice Tribunal, it is possible to affirm that there is no stable and uncontroversial definition of the categories "women", "sex" and "gender".


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How to Cite

Bernardes, M. N., & Imbelloni Braga Albuquerque, M. (2020). Gender Troubles in Brazilian judicial decisions: (Un)doing the Maria Resumos/Abstracts 392 Direito, Estado e Sociedade n. 55 jul/dez 2019 da Penha Law. Revista Direito, Estado E Sociedade, (55).



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