Constitutional Democracies in Crisis: mapping the institutional strategies that lead to the democratic erosion




democracy, authoritarianism, democratic erosion, democratic decline, democratic backsliding, democratic decay


This article aims to understand the state of the art of literature on recent phenomenon of democratic erosion in constitutionals democracies systems around the world, which has been studied by comparative researches on constitutional law and political science, in order to map which institutional strategies represent the incremental decline of quality of these regimes towards authoritarianism. First of all, the concept of liberal democracy in crises present in this literature will be analyzed. Second, the two ways of how democracies can end: the rapid, authoritarian collapse, and the slow, democratic erosion. Third, it will seek to identify the constitutional, legal and political measures that can be taken by an elected official and political parties to subvert the democratic institutions, to concentrate power on their behalf, to reduce the odds of opposing groups, and to undermine pluralism.

Author Biography

Lucas Azevedo Paulino, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - Doutorando no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Direito

Doutorando no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Direito da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (2017-2021). Pesquisador Visitante (Visiting Fellow) na Universidade de Harvard (Doutorado Sanduíche, segundo semestre de 2018). Mestre em Direito pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em Direito da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (2014-2016), na área de concentração Teoria Constitucional, Direitos Humanos e Instituições Democráticas. Especialista em Direito Constitucional pelo Instituto para o Desenvolvimento Democrático (2013). Bacharel em Direito pela Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (2007-2012).


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How to Cite

Paulino, L. A. (2021). Constitutional Democracies in Crisis: mapping the institutional strategies that lead to the democratic erosion. Revista Direito, Estado E Sociedade, (58).



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