Out of the spotlight: an empirical study on the impartiality control of STF's justices
impartiality, STF, recusal, disqualification, reputationAbstract
The effectiveness of mechanisms that avoid bias in judgements plays a significant role in building the reputation and authority of a Court. In the Brazilian Supreme Court (STF), the motions to disqualify or recuse justices are important to assure impartiality. This research assesses the effectiveness of these instruments, furthering the finding that the Plenum has never heard a motion to recuse. With a quantitative and qualitative empirical approach, the article analyses the proceedings and content of the motions to disqualify filed against STF justices. The main conclusion of this study is that the Court's performance is ambiguous. On the one hand, there are reasonable and consistent arguments to deny those motions without sending them to the plenum evaluation. On the other hand, proceedings are disregarded and there is an absence of transparency on facts and legal arguments. Therefore, we argue that even if the aim of these control mechanisms is achieved, it does not come with the reputational benefits it is expected to, thus opening the discussion about the legitimacy of the Court itself.References
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