Ethical norms

The Law, State, and Society Journal (Revista Direito, Estado e Sociedade) observes the best practices in publishing and research ethics, in accordance with internationally established guidelines, including the Core Practices, published by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). Below, we list, in a non-exhaustive way, some of the policies we have adopted in this sense, in reinforcement and complement to those discussed in the guidelines for authors. 

  • The editorial team deploys efforts to ensure the double blind evaluation, with the revision of the metadata of all submissions and the suppression of textual information that may identify the authors, such as mentions to research groups or previous publications. 

  • Throughout the double blind evaluation process, we assign editorial responsibilities to assistant editors who do not have academic or personal relationships with the authors under evaluation. 

  • In spite of the proper copyright declarations by the authors, who are clearly informed of the consequences of plagiarism, the editorial staff strives to detect any plagiarism. This effort is prolonged during the evaluation process, with the collaboration of the referees, who are instructed to indicate if the article being evaluated is original. The practice of plagiarism characterizes a crime foreseen in the Brazilian penal legislation and the Journal reserves the right to take any necessary measures in case it is found. More information about the institution's policy regarding plagiarism and copyright practices is available at: 

  • All authors listed must have contributed significantly to the research and are equally responsible for rectifying errors in the articles published in this journal, which may be portrayed in cases of fraud or substantial error, lack of originality, plagiarism, or other ethical violations. 

  • Our evaluation process is transparent, being visually represented by the flow chart available on our page, as well as described in the guidelines for authors. In addition, our editorial team responds to all inquiries sent electronically, valuing the speed and quality in communication with authors and referees. 

  • In the case of empirical research which includes the participation of human beings (in techniques such as ethnography, interview, among others) it is the entire responsibility of the author to respect all current norms that establish the ethical standards of research to be followed. The inclusion of the opinion of the competent Committee of Ethics in Research (CEP) is encouraged. If the research has not been approved by a CEP, the justification for this must be presented in the "Comments for the Editor" field at the time of submission.