Latin-American Transitional Justice Network and forced disappearance in El Salvador: empowering transitional justice measures through transnational network agency
forced disappearance, transitional justice, El Salvador, transnationality, networks.Abstract
The article has the aim to reflect on El Salvador experience on transitional approach of the crime of forced disappearance, checking the possibility of collaboration networks between human rights organizations that cooperate on transitional justice public policies improvement. The research was made in the Executive Secretariat of the Latin-American Transitional Justice Network. It was used the methodology of the transnational work promoted by the network, allowing the implementation of transitional justice measures from the network members own agency. Theoretical references presupposed that transitional justice appears as a transversal rationality plausible paradigm, by which its own format allows for the interchange of experiences even in diverse contextual situations, like post-dictatorship and post-conflict regimes. The research results showed that El Salvador is one of the instances of transitional measures obtained by human rights organizations and actors. The conclusion was in the sense that civil society organizations can dictate transitional justice measures using network agency.
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