Accountability, transparency and asymmetry of virtual visibility relations: analysis of the antidemocratic aspects of the new information and communication technologies from the idea of filter bubble
Big data, filter bubble, digital enclosure, democracy, pluralismAbstract
This paper aims to analyze the negative effects of the use of big data algorithms on the extreme personalization of online activities. To do so, it makes some assumptions based on Norberto Bobbio's concept of democracy. Then, it analyses the problem using the theoretical framework developed by surveillance studies, a group of scholars started by Canadian social scientists. Using both concepts of filter bubble and digital enclosure, it shows that new information and communications technologies (ICTs) are a way to express power that aren't subject to democratic control or oversight. Given this scenario, it argues that the algorithms used in personalization of online activities diminish interactions between different ideas, which is a keystone both for political pluralism and democracy. It conclusion shows that a democratic approach of ICTs is needed in order to preserve democracy and human rights. The adopted methodology was basic research, since it discusses the problem in an analytical method creating an exploratory validity for its theoretical. It is also an exploratory re-search since it tries to develop and clarify key ideas by using bibliographic research.
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