Scattered Arguments in Federal Supreme Court


  • Fábio Carvalho Leite
  • Marcelo Santini Brando



Brazilian Federal Supreme Court, Judicial review, Decision-making process, Scattered arguments.


The work analyzes, in two parts, a phenomenon known as argument scatter, a decision-making practice that sometimes characterizes judicial review in the Brazilian Supreme Court (STF). The first part is descriptive, and suggests that argument scatter occurs in the necessary presence of a simple majority decision-making rule (SMDMR), associated to the contingent presence of the open cause of action principle and of the relative indeterminacy of constitutional text. The second part is normative, and critically analyzes the problems that arise from the SMDMR. Taking the traditional debate about the legitimacy of judicial review as a starting point, while avoiding commitment to any particular normative model, this work calls into question the proximity of the Supreme Court's decision-making process with the idea of a "right answer", addresses the dif-ficulty of generating clear precedents, and challenges the disregard of the presumption of constitutionality in hard cases in the law where reasonable moral disagreements emerge. Finally, on the basis of research in the cognitive sciences and moral psychology, it challenges the reliability of the moral intuitions Supreme Court Justices invoke in the decision-making process.


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How to Cite

Carvalho Leite, F., & Santini Brando, M. (2016). Scattered Arguments in Federal Supreme Court. Revista Direito, Estado E Sociedade, (48).



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