The Analysis of the Ideological Discourse of Law and the Agenda-Setting Theory
Media, Public opinion, Ideological legal speech, Ideology, Information societyAbstract
This paperdeals with the formation of the ideological discourse of law and the influence that the agenda setting promoted by the media has in the formation of the public opinion, as well as with the appropriation and/or influence of the media in shaping the legal discourse. It is noted that court decisions are increasingly disclosed and commented by experts through the media, especially the most controversial, which produces a "cause and effect" reflexivity between the reported agenda and the consequent influence on the filing of demands, which causes questioning if the legitimacy of the legal practitioners' speech supports itself only on legal and social grounds or if it is also influenced by the media. It concludes that the legal discourse is the result of many ideologies, heavily influenced by public opinion, which in turn is also determined by the agenda setting promoted by the media.References
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