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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Guidelines for Submission of Manuscripts

Updated in october 31, 2020

1. Pre-conditions

1.1. The submitted papers must be unpublished and original, and not being evaluated by other journals. Articles that have been previously published in another language are not considered original by Law, State, and Society Journal (Revista Direito, Estado e Sociedade). The occurrence of plagiarism, including total or partial self-plagiarism without proper citation, implies immediate exclusion from the evaluation system. The practice of plagiarism characterizes a crime foreseen in the Brazilian penal legislation and the Journal reserves the right to take any necessary measures in case it is found. More information about the institution's policy regarding plagiarism and copyright practices is available at:

1.2. Only articles produced by researchers who have a doctoral degree or who are in the process of obtaining a doctorate will be accepted.

1.3. Not more than one article with the same author will be accepted for evaluation simultaneously. If a new article is submitted that has an author who already has an article under evaluation by the Journal, this new article will be preliminarily rejected by the Editorial Committee.

1.4. If the research developed in the article has occurred with funding from development agencies or institutions, it is essential that the author inform in a footnote at the beginning of the text.

1.5. Works in Portuguese, English, Spanish, Italian and French are accepted.

2. Forwarding:

Papers to be submitted to the Editorial Committee should be preferably submitted through the site:;

2.1. On-line Submission Process

To submit the article, authors must register (login/password) on the journal's website (, filling out the profile correctly and selecting the "Author" option. After the registration, the author must click on "User Page" and start the submission process through the link "New Submission", in which he will perform the five basic steps:

a. Start: Start the submission process, confirming if you agree with the conditions established by the journal (by checking the boxes for conditions and copyright declaration) and select the articles section;

b. Transfer of manuscripts: transfer the file to the system;

c. Inclusion of metadata: indicate first name, last name, e-mail, institution, ORCID id and summary of the biography of the author and each co-author (if applicable). In the biography, it is requested the inclusion of the link to the curriculum lattes. Indicate the title and abstract of the article. Also indicate the references used throughout the article, in the format specified in item 3.3 below. In addition, we require that the name of four researchers are indicated in the "Comments for the Editor" field as a suggestion of referees who the author(s) consider academic references to evaluate the submitted article. The suggestions must be from doctoral researchers, who do not belong to the same institution as the authors, are not from the state of Rio de Janeiro, and do not have any academic or personal links with the authors (e.g., orientation, co-authorship, friendship, etc.). The suggestion should include the name of the researcher, the link to the lattes resume and, when possible, the contact email. Of these four names, only one will eventually be used by the Journal, as a way to preserve the double blind evaluation. The indication has the purpose of offering celerity to the evaluation process and is mandatory, under penalty of refusal of the article in it's initial analysis by the Editorial Committee. It is fundamental that the metadata are correctly filled out;

d.Transfer of supplementary documents: carrying out the transfer of files with supplementary information, which function as an appendix or annex to the main text, such as research tools, data sets and tables, which follow the standards of evaluation ethics, information sources not normally available to readers, or figures and/or tables which cannot be integrated into the text itself; and

e. Confirmation: Finish submission.

3. Preparation of originals

3.1. Presentation

The text must contain between 5,000 (five thousand) and 8,000 (eight thousand) words, not including pre-textual elements (title, abstract) and post-textual elements (bibliographical references and annexes and/or appendices), but including footnotes.

Its preparation must obey the following parameters: file in .doc format, type Times New Roman, size 12, justified text, line spacing of 1.5, paper size A4, left and top margins 3.0 cm, right and bottom 2.0 cm. Images inserted in the text must have a minimum resolution of 300dpi.

3.2 Structure of the text

To prepare the article, the authors must observe the following sequence:

(NOTE: For texts in Portuguese, TITLE, SUMMARY, and KEY WORDS must come with English translation and before the body of the text. For articles in other languages, the corresponding elements must come in the language of the text and with subsequent translation into Portuguese and English).

a. Title: must be in bold uppercase, justified at the top of the first page, with simple spacing between lines;

b. Abstract: the text should be between 100 and 200 words, indicating the objectives, theoretical reference, results obtained and conclusion of the article. It should be preceded by the word "ABSTRACT", in upper case, two lines below the title, aligned to the left and with simple spacing;

c. Keywords: at least three and no more than seven, separated by semicolons, preceded by the term " KEYWORDS ", in upper case, aligned to the left, with single spacing and two lines below the abstract. To make it easier to locate the work in bibliographic queries, the Editorial Committee suggests that the keywords correspond to more general concepts of the area of the article;

d. Body of the article: In the next page, the title should be inserted again in bold, justified and without upper case. The body of the text starts on the sixth line below the title, with 1.5 line spacing;

e. Subtitles: the body of the article should be divided into items corresponding to each part of the work. These items must be referenced at the author's own choice, being mandatory the items "Introduction" at the beginning of the article and "Conclusion" at the end of the article. The subtitles must be numbered, justified and in bold. One space must be given after the preceding text and one space on the line directly before the following text;

f. Quotations: when quotation does not exceed three lines, it should be made in the body of the text, using quotation marks, without italics or bold. When it is longer than three lines, it should be highlighted in the body of the text, with a 2 cm indentation in the left margin only, in the same type ( Times New Roman), size 10, 1.0 spacing between lines, without the use of italics or quotation marks.

g. References along the text: references made along the text should be footnotated. They should indicate only the author's last name in capital letters, followed by a comma; the year of publication, followed by a comma; and, when applicable, the page(s) where the reference is located. Articles with bibliographical references inserted in the body of the text will not be accepted.


1 FRASER, 1996, pp. 128-129.

2 DWORKIN, 2002.

If the author's name is cited in the period in which the reference is being inserted, the footnote should indicate only the year and the page(s), if applicable. The expressions op. cit, ibid, id, and idem should not be used in the references. Always provide the complete reference as in the example above.

Articles that do not follow the reference model indicated in the paragraphs above will be preliminarily rejected.

h. References at the end of the text: the references used throughout the article should be listed below the subtitle "References", which should be two lines below the end of the text, in bold, left aligned and unnumbered. References should be mentioned in alphabetical and chronological order, indicating the works of authors cited in the body of the text, consulted or recommended. References should be separated by single space.

Bibliographical references at the end of the text should be made according to NBR 6023/2018. The basic bibliographic reference must contain: author's last name in upper case letters; comma; author's name in lower case letters; dot; title of the work in italics; dot; edition number; dot; location; colon; publisher; comma; year of publication; dot; Link or DOI number; and dot. Note the use of spaces between each element.

The DOI (Digital Object Identifier) MUST be included whenever available in the bibliographic references indicated in the text, as well as in the submission process (in the "Metadata Inclusion" step, described in item 2.1.c above). The DOI must be indicated either in the form of a link or containing only the reference number. Authors should use the page "" to verify the existence of DOIs for the references cited in their work.

When citing a publication of a newspaper, chapter in a collective work or journal, the name of the newspaper, collective work or journal must come in italics, right after the title of the work, which must not be italicized. The expression "In:" should be inserted only before the title of collective works (it should not be used in the case of periodic publications).


Complete work:

DAVID, René. Os grandes sistemas do direito contemporâneo. 2ª ed. São Paulo: Martins Fontes, 1993.

Part of a collective work (organized, edited):

BODIN DE MORAES, Maria Celina. Danos à pessoa humana: uma leitura civil-constitucional dos danos morais. In: PEIXINHO, Manoel Messias; GUERRA, Isabella Franco; NASCIMENTO FILHO, Firly. (Org.). Os princípios da Constituição de 1988. Rio de Janeiro: Lúmen Júris, 2001, pp. 167-190.

Journal article:

SGARBI, Adrian. Textos normativos e alguns problemas de adscrição de sentido. Direito, Estado e Sociedade, Rio de Janeiro, n. 26, pp. 6-31, jan./jun. 2005.

CITTADINO, Gisele; DUTRA, Deo Campos. Direito Internacional Privado: o diálogo como instrumento de efetivação dos Direitos Humanos. Seqüência: estudos jurídicos e políticos. vol. 33, n. 64, 2012

STRUCHINER, Noel; FRIAS, Lincoln. The Cognitive Psychology of the Potentiality Argument. The American Journal of Bioethics. Vo. 13, Issue 1, 2013. 10.1080/15265161.2012.747021.

4. Evaluation Policy and Guidelines

4.1. Articles submitted to Revista Direito, Estado e Sociedade are initially evaluated by the Editorial Committee in the following questions: (i) Originality and thematic relevance; (ii) Thematic relevance to the research lines of the Graduate Program of PUC-Rio; (iii) Adequacy to the formatting norms and guidelines exposed in this policy; (iv) Authors' titles; (v) Absence of elements in the text and in the file that allow the identification of the authorship; and (vi) Adequacy of the content to the quality standards of the journal.

If any of these criteria is not observed, the article will be preliminarily rejected by the Editorial Committee. An article that has been preliminarily rejected by the Editorial Committee may be submitted again for evaluation, provided that the necessary modifications are made.

4.2. After the Editorial Committee's evaluation, the articles are submitted to evaluation by at least two ad hoc evaluators (external evaluators), based on which the Editorial Committee will decide to accept, reject or request changes to the submitted text. The average time to complete an evaluation is two to six months. This average, however, may suffer modifications due to changes in the intensity of the flow of articles received by the journal.

The evaluations will be made by filling out the form in the system. In general, the evaluation criteria address the following topics: (i) Relevance of the title and abstract/abstract; (ii) Clarity in the central thesis of the article; (iii) Clarity and relevance in the argumentation; (iv) Relevance and methodological adequacy; (v) Relevance and adequacy of the theoretical basis; (vi) Thematic relevance of the article; (vii) Incorrect spelling, punctuation, and grammar.

5. Review of the Manuscript for Publication

5.1. The articles accepted for publication may be revised by the Editorial Committee in order to facilitate their clarity and understanding, without any change in their content.

5.2 As soon as they are ready, the graphic proofs in electronic format will be sent by e-mail to the author responsible for sending the article.

5.3 The authors should review the graphic proof and return it, also by e-mail, indicating eventual corrections to be made in, at most, 72 hours after its receipt. In case of absence of return of the author within this period, the Editorial Committee will consider the version sent as definitive.

6. General considerations

6.1. The submission, processing and publication of the articles is free and does not incur any costs for the authors.

6.2. The content of the articles submitted for the journal's evaluation process is the author's entire responsibility, the journal is exempted of any responsibilities.

6.3. Papers received during the year and approved by the Editorial Committee and submitted to peer-review will not necessarily be published in the issues of the same year, but may be published in subsequent issues.

6.4. Articles submitted by authors whose work has been published in an immediately preceding issue, may be accepted, but will not be promptly published. In this case, the Editorial Committee will contact the author and inquire about the interest in publishing the article in the subsequent edition.

6.5. All published articles will be published on the homepage of Revista Direito, Estado e Sociedade, at the following address:

6.6. In case of subsequent disclosure and publication of an article already published in Revista Direito, Estado e Sociedade, it must reference the original publication.

In case of any doubts, the authors should contact the Editorial Committee through the following e-mail:

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.