Human dignity, moral damage, and killings by autonomous weapons systems
Sistemas de Armas Autônomas, Dano Moral, Dignidade da Pessoa Humana, Responsabilidade Internacional do Estado.Resumo
The present article aims to discuss if the fact that Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems (LAWS) killed or injured a person generates moral damage, and if there is a presumption of moral damage, being unnecessary for the plaintiff to prove the moral suffering to be entitled to reparation from the State. First, the article defines LAWS and provides a brief perspective on moral damage in international law based on the International Law Commission´s Draft Articles on State Responsibility and scholarship. Next, it discusses if LAWS killings or injuries violate the principle of human dignity. Then it highlights international case-law from the international human rights courts on moral damage in re ipsa. The article concludes that LAWS’s killings or injuries generate a relative presumption of moral damage. The methodology used was bibliographic review, and review of legal instruments, and international case law.
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